Jeroen and I take our honeymoon a couple of times a year, usually on Valentine’s or our wedding anniversary.
Most of the time it’s in Tokyo because I’m Japanese inside. This time, however, Jeroen wanted to see Osaka.
Some of our Japanese friends, Chiyo and Kimachi are from Osaka, and my Galang cousins love to hit Osaka for their #Osakain tours.
Chiyo Tagami suggested we stay at the InterContinental Hotel, instead of the Ritz-Carlton Osaka, which has scary bathrooms, according to Trip Advisor. I’m so glad I listed to her. This place is heaven! For me, a beautiful hotel room is a vacation in itself.
This way to InterContinental Osaka
Have no idea where this goes, but I lovett
This tree at the lobby would be perfect for our house
This is our room. I want to marry this room!
Jeroen is snoring softly as I type this. He loves this bed.
Behind the glass is the bathroom with optional sliding doors. Thank God because I hate exposed bathrooms
This way to the bathroom from the main entrance and a real door. The Japanese toilet has automatic flush, which we both love.
The sink has a slightly elevated sink—usually a pet peeve—but I’m OK with this. Cause it’s so damn clean!!
Packaging is everything
Here’s the bath area
and the toiletries
The toiletries multiply by the day, I tell you
Outside is the very stylish pantry
which opens to a coffee station and chiller
Hello Nespresso!
What’s inside the chiller
Here’s the desk with the signature stone feature
This shot is for my cousin RJ
and what’s behind the stone chuchu
Finally, the walk-in closet with automatic lights
It has an iron and board for the O.C.
Plus lots of hangers. Okay, I always overpack because sayang ang winter clothes!!
P.S. Thank you for the wine, Mr. Jerome Palacoeur. We lovett!!
We love this place. And the wifi rocks. Next time we’ll bring the kids