Bags make me happy. A bag doesn’t have to be expensive, I just have to like it.
For me to like a bag it must be roomy, organized and not too common. It must not be too heavy and should be easy to open and carry around.
I found my Mills Canvas tote at Rockstar in Singapore. Rockstar is tucked inside the top floor of Cineleisure off Orchard Road.
It specializes in kind of preppy, understated finds, such as Alphabet Bags
And the sturdy William J. Mills canvas bags.
Mills Canvas bags are like L.L. Bean, but more expensive.
Made in Greenport, New York (at the tip of Long Island’s North Fork) Wm. J. Mills & Co. has been in the business for five generations—first as sailmakers (now a small part of the business) and more recently known as makers of high quality awnings, tents, umbrellas, shelters, and bags, among others.
They were not that cheap, so hoarding was not in the picture. I bought just one simple tote with shoulder handles that I love.
It can stand on its own and it packs a LOT
Comes in many colors, shapes and sizes for men and women
As for me, I’m just happy to have one.
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