My first baby was born almost a month after 9/11.
When the second plane hit the one of the Twin Towers, I remember holding my tummy and thinking, what kind of world am I bringing this child into?
When Benjamin was born on October 9, 2001, my life was never the same again. For the first time I felt a kind of love I have never felt for anything or anyone in the world, and a kind of fear that I might lose him, that he might get sick, that his life depended on me. But I got over it. Can you tell this is my son?
It is with deep regret that my son had blond hair and blue eyes for a very short period only.
This was Ben at four months. Ten years later he gets detention in his school—and enjoys it because they gave them “fun” activities such as fixing bags, books and picking up garbage!
Yesterday my son turned 10 years old. I am really blessed to have a son who is in love with me. (I know because he told me earlier. )
When the titos and titas asked what he wanted for his birthday, Ben said clothes. For once he didn’t ask for toys. So I took him and his brother to Zara, where we spent a small fortune.
The boys love Zara, Debenhams, and Gap, and it doesn’t hurt that mommy is a stylist who can guide him with his choices.
Photo taken after a full meal at Cibo
I was wondering what made him decide at such a young age that he was into clothes and shoes. I figured it was his obsession with Woozworld, a virtual world where coolness is measured by one’s clothes and possessions.
Both my boys and their cousins are into this game. I give them a monthly allowance of Wooz money so they can make purchases and buy and sell in their virtual stores.
The boys are only allowed to use the computer when there’s no school the following day, so usually Friday after tutor, Saturday and part of Sunday.
Woozworld has saved us money because now they’re not interested in toy stores, which is a relief.
On days they can’t Wooz, there are Legos, Playmobils, board games, books, and basketball to pass time.
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